aann's Portfolio

The digital side to Nursing

Final Project Draft


  • Overview of the transformative impact of social media on healthcare decision-making.
  • Role and significance of social media influencers in influencing health behaviours.
  • Types of information and behaviours influenced by social media influencers.
  • Analysis of Social Media Influencers’ Impact on Parental Decisions Regarding Birth Preparedness.
  • Case studies and examples of how social media influencers shape parental decisions.
  • Types of information shared by influencers and their impact on parental behaviours.

Literature Review

  • Definition and role of TEL in healthcare education.
  • benefits and challenges of TEL in enhancing nursing education.
  • alignment of digital learning tools with educational goals in healthcare.
  • Integrating technology into nursing practice requires.
  • Addressing social and ethical considerations in digital learning and healthcare.

Research Objectives

How can nursing education programs integrate digital literacy and critical media analysis skills into the curriculum to empower nursing students to navigate and evaluate online health information, particularly in the context of childbirth and parenting?

Research Questions

  • Identify Key Digital Literacy and Critical Media Analysis Skills: Determine the essential skills nursing students need to navigate and evaluate online health information related to childbirth and parenting.
  • Assess Current Curriculum Content: Evaluate existing nursing curricula to identify gaps in digital literacy and critical media analysis training.
  • Develop Educational Modules: Create educational modules focused on digital literacy and critical media analysis skills tailored to childbirth and parenting information on social media.
  • Evaluate Impact on Students’ Competency: Measure the impact of the integrated training on nursing students’ abilities to assess the credibility and reliability of online health information.

Critical Issues and Theoretical Framework

  • Technology, Social Media, and Nursing Practice Framework.
  • Integration of technology and social media in nursing practice.
  • Theoretical underpinnings guiding the analysis of social media’s impact on healthcare decision-making.
  • Importance of digital literacy and critical media analysis skills for healthcare professionals.
  • Training nursing students to navigate social media content and discern credible information from misinformation.

Methodology: Research Design and Methods

  • Qualitative research design approach using in-depth interviews- – Utilizing qualitative methods to gain a deeper understanding of the complex phenomena of social media influence on parental decision-making.
  • Rationale for selecting qualitative methods to explore the influence of social media influencers.
  • Description of data collection procedures and analysis techniques
  • Thematic Analysis for Data Interpretation
  • Use thematic analysis to identify key themes and patterns in the data.
  • Analyze participants’ narratives to understand how social media influencers shape their birth preparedness decisions.

Social and Ethical Considerations

  • Ethical Issues in Using Social Media for Healthcare Communication.
  • Privacy concerns and ethical implications of using social media for health advice.
  • Strategies to promote ethical use of digital tools in healthcare education and practice.


  • Presentation of preliminary findings on how social media influencers influence parental decisions.
  • Discussion on the credibility and reliability of information shared by influencers
  • Concerns about Information Accuracy and Reliability



  • Implications for Nursing Education.
  • Importance of integrating digital literacy and critical media analysis skills into nursing curricula.
  • Potential impact of such training on nursing practice and patient outcomes.
  • Strategies for Improving Digital Literacy among Nursing Students

Conclusion and Implications

  • Summary of key findings regarding the influence of social media on healthcare decision-making.
  • Implications for nursing education and practice in the digital age.
  • Future directions for research and practice in integrating digital literacy and critical media analysis skills.


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1 Comment

  1. Sarah Hauzeneder July 12, 2024

    Great work!! I look forward to reading your paper. I’ve mentioned many times the digital literacy issues that I have personally encountered since returning to school. I think that including learning modules or content specifically addressing this concern would ensure students are in a better position to manage the many technological components of the work place – and better situates students to be confident when new technology is rolled out. Thanks Adetoke!

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